Lessons are individually designed to suit students requirements and style of music preferred. Lessons are designed to be fun, progressive, motivational and inspiring to get the best results.
Beginners and students at all levels are accepted, provided:-
(a) the student has a piano/keyboard at home available daily for undisturbed practice and
(b) the student is prepared to practice at least 30 minutes a day, for higher grades, longer practice is needed.
Practical: Basic 30 mins p.w. Grades 6 and 7 45 mins p.w. Grade 8 60 mins p.w.
Theory: Basic 15 mins p.w. Grades 6, 7 and 8 as required.
Pupils are strongly encouraged to enter for Associated Board examinations. Pupils who go on to take a Grade 6 exam on any instrument must have first passed Theory Grade 5 exam.
All pupils are expected to study theory up to Grade 5 and again they are encouraged to enter for these exams. In appropriate cases, students continue theory to Grades 6, 7 and 8.
Theory lessons are needed to develop musical ability and will be discussed at an appropriate stage of practical learning. Where possible, the practical lesson will be initially extended to incorporate 15 mins p.w. Theory.
Perfect Piano Playing
Ms Jo Crozier LLCM (TD) ALCM (PERF)
Davids Road
BS14 9JJ
Home: 01275 891588
Mobile: 07950 388947
Email: joperfectpianoplaying@gmail.com